We are having over 15,000 members from Department of Post, Railways Mail Service consisting of 6 States from Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh & Delhi. Any employee from department Department of Post, Railways Mail Service consisting from Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh & Delhi can apply for membership, and he can become member. Minimum Ten share (@ 50/-) is required, and member will have to deposit 400/- per month by way of recovery schedule.
Member-Ship Fee : Rs.1,500/-
To meet personal/ family expenses like marriage/education/family functions etc. "except of speculative / prohibited nature".
All working Postal & R.M.S. Personnels with existing member. The member required to purchase the shares (@ 50/-).
The loan amount is 20 times of shares held in member account.
Two surities (existing members not less then having six months service)
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